2015年3月11日 星期三

Homework #9

What do you think causes people to be aggressive?  Is it based on nature or nurture (i.e. genetics or environment)?  Can you change someone’s aggressive tendencies?  If so, how?  If you can’t change someone’s aggressive tendencies, how do you suggest society deals with them?  Please answer in 7-10 sentences.

  In my opinion, people become aggressive are cause by both nature and nurture such as the noisy place, the weather, the culture.   For example, I would feel aggressive if it's rainy, I have no reason to be angry, just the humid and dark sky make my mind out of control, also if I am in a happy situations I would like to listen to the music when I am doing my homework, but if I am in the bad mood, I would scream and swear when I am doing my homework.   I do not think that it is easy to change people's mind because everyone is different, but sometimes it changes such as, someone because their aggressive emotion to cause some bad things happen, so they may change their emotion.  

Homework #8 love story

  In my opinion, those love story some will be catching my heart, but some won't because different people love different kind of story such as I prefer to read the story that the background is in high school, I do not prefer to read the story that background is the husband and wife, also I like the happy endings, so if the story is popular or everyone ask me I need to watch it, I would say no because I do not want to cry when the story finished.

Homework #7

  In the first article, I think the end, the aether said that people like to become similar, but some of us  prefer to be a leader or just listen and follow the leader, so we might be want to show off or become more confident brave to do or speak.  Each of us has desire, so we can not just told someone don't get any things such as money, foods even the higher class stuff.  Therefore, we all have the chance to do what we want to do, even we are young.  

  The second article is about the situations when people votes, I think people will vote to the person who can help them and their society, the leader can be nice and do not make them in the difficult situations such as pension cuts, higher student fees, high medical costs and so on.  The voters will follow ad have their reason to the leaders, not just the leader menace them to vote him.  

2015年3月10日 星期二

Homework #3 Pen dropping

  First, I drop my pen in the classroom, and my classmates and teacher will told me that my pen is dropped or help me to pick it up.
  Second, I try to drop my pen on the hallway, but some of the peoples who across me just go away, some want to notice me, and some just think that other people will remind me.
   This situation is called Bystander Effect, in the emergency situations , when someone is present or individual , help reduce the likelihood of shot , is inversely proportional to the number of probability aid and bystanders . In other words , the more the number of bystanders , the less likely they were to any one person assistance.  That's why this experience shows that some people will help the people in need, some won't help, just see if others will help.

Homework #6: Groupthinking

How effective do you believe group work to be?  Do you think that you perform better in a group or as an individual?  What are the benefits of group work?  What are the disadvantages?  If group work is not as productive as individual work then why are companies promoting it?

In my opinion, the group work is like many ideas come from different people,and we can mix those ideas and got a perfect result for our works.  Sometimes, I prefer to work by my own such as, drawing the poster, but when I do some uneasy question, I would prefer to work in a group because I can get some information by others ideas.   The benefits is each person's work can be less and more mainly, the disadvantages are people might argue about the different ideas.   I think the companies wants their employees work as a group, like the bees with their community, so we can finished our jobs more quickly and perfectly.  

2015年2月11日 星期三

Homework #5: Feb/11/2015

 where was your group?
What were the characteristics of the people in your group?
How were the people arranged in the physical environment?
What wWhereere they doing?  Did you notice any leaders?  Followers? 
Did they know each other or did they just meet?

In my advisory.
my advisor, 8 students and me.  
have a leader, followers.
leader is my advisor, she will ask us about our class and see what we need to improve, I will listen to her because if I against her I will get in trouble.  
we know each others.  

2015年2月10日 星期二

Homework #4: Milgram Experiment

Milgram Experiment is do by Stanley Milgram, and shows that Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?
  They make the people go in to a room and listen to the order's who is outside, and touch the electric things, but when the power increase, it will hurt the body, so we can see if the people will screamor just put the mode.  
  In my opinion, this experiment is very cool because we can see how the human do when they decide to listen to the order or just follow themselves, also some people thinks that this experiment is ridiculous because it will make the human be crazy or hurt their body.  

2015年2月5日 星期四

Homework #2: Social Inhibition

   Social Inhibition, is talking about when the situation are just few people or ourselves, we do somethings such as hopping on the hallway, we will do more confident and no mistake: but when there are too many people look at us, we may make some mistake and feel more nervous , also want to finish the actives quickly.  For example, I practiced the flute for the concert in my house, I feel more relax and better, but when I am on the stage I feel like I will do wrong and the audiences will think I play the flute so terrible.  Therefore, I think Social Inhibition is the personal behavior.

2015年2月3日 星期二

Homework #1: Feb/03/2015

  Pygmalion Effect, can make climate be nicer, input be more material, response opportunity, and get the feedback.  The social psychologist shows that in the elementary school, if the teacher give the students positive advice the student will do well on their class.  Such as my teacher told me that I will do well on the test tomorrow, so I study relaxing when I go home, and next day I got the A on the test.